Soter, under Greek mythology, is the personification of the god for safety, preservation and deliverance.  SOTER International was born of a realisation that no one organisation promotes a collaborative effort of developing procedures, equipment, technology and knowledge across the board for pre-hospital and first-aid delivery nationally.

Whilst the foundations of SOTER lay in Special Operations Medicine, our team has rapidly diversified in order to represent the numerous environments where Australians can require pre-hospital assistance and aims to balance the inequalities between various services of pre-hospital delivery, particularly between rural and metropolitan services.  Additionally we aspire to represent the Paramedic trade in order to lobby and influence positive change for the newest medical registered profession.


Why Work With Us


SOTER prides itself in having a company culture where everyone matters. Although we have different roles, no one person is more important than the next. READ MORE

Training for performance -not compliance

SOTER was born out of the observation that the Australian Quality Framework (AQF) First Aid courses lack the level of development around initial treatment of potential life threatening and co-morbid conditions. Secondly the 'one size fits all' approach compromises training quality. READ MORE


Accredited and recognised medical training suitable for any workplace. Off-the-shelf products or built to a brief for againts your specific risk assessment as required under Australian WHS legislation, our courses are practical and comprehensive leaving employees confident to intervene and use the skills learnt. READ MORE

As a not-for-profit and health promotion charity, by utilising SOTER or donating to support our services, you will be actively contributing to future pre-hospital developments and retrieval capabilities


SOTER prides itself in having a company culture where everyone matters. Although we have different roles, no one person is more important than the next. We select personnel critically and train as required to ensure you receive the product needed in your workplace, a product that in its most basic presentation is personable, proactive, and calm in a crisis; they are highly skilled clinicians, instructors and the sort of person you don’t want to leave your site – until you get their replacement.

Our instructors are currently practicing, are humble, personable, have a sense of humour and are keen to ensure that you or your staff walk away from our training confident and capable to save a life if required, and/or,  when to call for an ambulance or assistance.


SOTER was born out of the observation that the Australian Quality Framework (AQF) First Aid courses lack the level of development, regardless of medical evidence, around initial treatment of severe haemorrhage, breathing and potential life threathening co-morbid injuries that could commonly affect law enforcement and other potential high threat/high risk industry personnel.  Secondly,  the continuing minimalist  ‘one size fits all’ approach of instructing people via online packages with decreased face to face instruction and limited in-person demonstration/assessment of practical skills in order to make it more financially attractive is failing to truly ‘hit the mark’ in preparing first aiders for their role in any workplace. 

The Australian WHS Model Code of Practice for First Aid states that ‘Duty holders who have a role in first aid include: − persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs). Workers and other persons at the workplace also have duties under the WHS Act, such as the duty to take reasonable care for their own health and safety at the workplace’.  With record fines against organisations for failing to provide such duty of care…..high risk business’ are at risk of not suitably preparing their workforce by attending generalised first aid courses.

Can you ultimately afford to provide your responsible persons with ‘tick and flick’ online  training and minimal face to face assessment when it comes to potentially  saving someone’s life?  

‘As a minimum first aiders should hold nationally recognised Statement/s of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for the nationally endorsed first aid unit of competency Provide First Aid or a course providing equivalent skills. A higher level or additional training may be required to ensure your first aiders have appropriate skills for the risks you have identified in your workplace. 

Reach out to SOTER to assess how you can best protect your people and business at
[email protected]

SOTER International is the only NAEMT registered high-threat and accredited tactical medicine provider, for both military civilian applications,  in Australasia.  We also deliver these same basic skills for the layman in our (4 hour) First On-the-Scene course.

What we offer is regulated, accredited and credentialed first aid and medical training by current medical clinicians that will meet your WHS obligations.  We are governed (regulated) by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT), the largest vocational first aid and advanced medical training Not-For-Profit in the USA.  The same organisation the has provided Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) to Australian nurses and military medics for decades.

By supporting a not-for-profit, you can be assured that you are contributing to the development of skills, capability, techniques and procedures that will benefit the very reason you are attending this course initially – so others may live.  We are a veteran owned business and is our charitable mission to assist veterans and all emergency services first responder personnel, especially those suffering from their service.

Uncompromising standards based on the ethos and values from some of the most prestigious military units worldwide.  

Did you know that the WHS legislation requires PCBU’s (i.e. a business) to conduct a risk assessment to address the likely medical and first aid risks for your workplace!?  

Did you know that almost every company simply resorts to the Australian First Aid course (HLTAID 011) thinking it will cover them in the case of a WHS investigation because it is Australian registered course!? WELL NOT NECESSARILY!!! Read on…….

Depending on the risks in your workplace, the AustralianHLTAID 011 First Aid course may actually cover more than is required, i.e. Jellyfish stings, Snake and Spider bites,  Asthma etc wasting employers time and money but not actually allocating enough time on the few interventions that will save a life.  Here at SOTER, we know what you have time to call an ambulance for, and also, that people know how to put a band-aid/plaster on…….so we deliver internationally accredited and credentialed best practice courses across all levels of provider. 

But if you need a skill or risk addressed that isn’t in one of our off the shelf courses, including Australian HLTAID 011, then we would be more than happy to include it in your corporate training.  

SOTER is a Not for profit charitable organisation committed to supporting medical and retrieval development and support and recovery for first responders and veterans. What does that mean to you…..that our profits go back into our mission, not our pockets.

Every dollar, be it donated or earned,  is benefitting immediate medical care and retrieval development to your community.

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